La Mode AfriWoman Forum and Dinner

Women with dark knuckles have no confidence to wear fashion accessories because of public ridicule and stigma. Dryness can lead to dark knuckles.

When your hands and feet are exposed to harsh chemicals or too much washing, the skin tends to get dry. This often leads to knuckles darkening. Some skin diseases, such as psoriasis and eczema, make your knuckles dark.

Whatever the case may be, you don’t have to worry about it. You can solve the problem of dark knuckles, elbows and knees in a natural way. You can use these three remedies:


Lemon juice and honey mix

Honey makes the skin glow and lemons act as a natural lighter, which makes it a great combination to clear the dark patches on your skin.


Moisturize with milk

Applying raw milk topically can solve darker skin tones and pigmentation.

The high content of lactic acid not only has skin-lightening properties but also helps to remove dead cells on the surface of the skin.

  1. Mix the content of a vitamin E capsule with a little milk cream. On your dry knuckles, apply and wait sometime.
  2. Next, you rub it for about 5 minutes before washing it off. Its purpose is to soften dry skin.
  3. A pinch of turmeric can be added to benefit from the antiseptic and skin-lightening properties of turmeric.


Lemon Juice

Lemon contains nutrients and antioxidants essential for the restoration of your health and the rejuvenation of the entire physical system. It possesses skin lightening properties that make them fantastic to get rid of dark knuckles.

Mix some lemon juice with sugar to make an exfoliating scrub, then use it before going to bed in the affected areas.


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