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Exclusive Interview With OkuSaga Adeoluwa Cover Personality La Mode Magazine September Edition!

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Exclusive Interview with OkuSaga Adeoluwa

La Mode: Tell us about yourself?

Saga: I am from a family of 3, I have two sisters and I’m the last child. I grew up in a very fun and loving home, my mother just like me was always bursting with positive energy. I am from lagos state and I studied electrical and electronics engineering in UNILAG, went on to work as a well intervention engineer in ph for about 5 years  up until big brother and now I am an artist, content creator, dirtiness coach and actor.

La Mode: What are you most proud of about yourself?

Saga: I was always a mummy boy, she did everything for me back then but when my mum was fell ill back in 2014, I told my friends that if anything happened to her I’d run mad. I meant it because I didn’t think I’d survive the news, talk less survive the rest of my life without her. So when you ask what I’m most proud of, it would be that I’m still going… and going strong, with all she taught me in 21 years 10 years after she went to rest.

La Mode : What three words describe what you’re most grateful for?

Saga: Family, friends and grace
La Mode: What do you think about the Green October event?

Saga: I think it’s amazing to give back and this is a great platform to do so. I loved the idea soon as it was mentioned to me. Helping those with special needs is a service we should all partake in.

La Mode: What do you think about this year’s theme  of Green OctoberEvent”Disability Awareness and Mental Health?

Saga: Mental health is a sensitive topic and I don’t think it’s being addressed enough in this part of this world. A lot of people just ignore it until it’s critical and that’s the wrong approach to dealing with it. It should be taken as seriously as we take general physical health, delicately and handled with urgency. Disability on the other hand also doesn’t get the right recognition as it should, a lot of people suffering from it easily get neglected and this is very wrong. So the theme of this years event focusing on spreading awareness about these two topics is a very good one. 

La Mode: In what ways will you encourage Celebrities to be involved in charity projects?

Saga: First of I would like to say to celebrities that not everything we do or event we attend should be focused on what we can gain or the pr we can grow from it. It’s very good as influencers to actively use our influence for good. Charity is service and we should devote ourselves to giving back to the communities that made us what we are.

La Mode: What charity work or cause do you support?

Saga: I have recently participated in the lagos food bank walkathon to give food to hungry kids and I constantly work with a group that supports girls called girlswithperiod to help educate and provide for young girls around Nigeria. 

La Mode: If you could meet anyone in the world, alive or deceased, who would it be?

Saga: My mum.

La Mode: What event has had a large impact on your life?

Saga: I know this may sound cliche but loosing my mum changed my life. My life hit a 90* edge when she passed. Life literally rolled a dice on me and here I am. At some points I feels like my life is falling apart but I gather myself together and remember who she trained me to be and keep going. 

La Mode: What inspires you to do what you do?

Saga: I like to think I am full of positive energy so for me it’s just to spread all of that energy that God has given me. The world is such a dark place, I just want to be a light no matter how little. 

La Mode: Describe your perfect day?

Saga: I will start from when I go to bed.. say I go to bed around 1am, wake up around 7/8am, freshen up, hit the gym come back. Eat a ton of protein, get some rest and do some thinking and planning, step out, create some content. Get back home, get some rest, freshen up, step out to chill with my friends. Get back and get on the drawing board, create some art for about 3/4 hours and somehow make it back to bed by 1/2am.

La Mode: What’s a message you want to tell your fans?

Saga: Believe in yourself always.
You’re the star of your own story.
The story is yours.. don’t look at others and compare yourself to them. 
Focus on you and build whatever you’re to be the best version of you.  

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