During a stand-up show hosted by comedian Alan Carr in Los Angeles, Adele, the renowned English singer-songwriter, seemingly confirmed her marriage to Rich Paul, the American sports agent known for representing basketball star LeBron James.

When Carr asked if anyone in the audience had recently gotten married, Adele enthusiastically responded, “I did,” indicating that she and Paul have indeed tied the knot. The confirmation follows ongoing speculation fueled by Adele referring to Paul as her “husband” at various events. Despite the lack of an official statement, multiple audience members at the show have supported the news.

The couple first went public with their relationship in July 2021 and has since been spotted together at various public events. Adele has openly expressed her love for Paul, describing their relationship as the easiest she’s ever experienced. Rich Paul, who has three children from a previous relationship, had previously been evasive when asked about marriage rumors in an October 2023 interview, emphasizing the positive state of their relationship without confirming any marital status.

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