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Following the recent scandal over Facebook’s handling of private user data, a lot of Americans are stepping back from the social network. A survey revealed on the 5th of September 2018.

According to the Pew Research Center report, 42 percent of US Facebook users have been taking a break from the platform in the past 12 months, and 26 percent have deleted the Facebook app from their phone.

Although the survey did not indicate how many users were quitting Facebook entirely, the findings suggest a great loss started to transcend due to its political affiliation

 “Significant shares of Facebook users have taken steps in the past year to reframe their relationship with the social media platform. The poll found that nearly identical shares of Democrats and Republicans (including political independents who lean toward either party) use Facebook. Republicans are no more likely than Democrats to have taken a break from Facebook or deleted the app from their phone in the past year.”The researcher Andrew Perrin said in a blog post.

And it comes with President Donald Trump stepping up his attacks on internet platforms with his unverified contention that they are suppressing conservatives and Republicans.

Facebook has lost the United States teens and young adult users to Snapchat but it still remains the world’s largest social network with over two billion users worldwide.

The scandal came after news of hijacking of private data by political firm, Cambridge Analytical and concerns of foreign influence campaigns on the platform circulated.

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