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FashMode3.0 Voting

To vote, kindly look for the contestant you would love to remain in the competition, and click on the blue vote button.

• Voting costs 50 Naira per vote and starts from 20 votes upwards. You can vote as much as you want.

• To vote offline, kindly pay the amount for the number of votes you would like to purchase for the contestant(s) to “La Mode, 0172552915, GTB, then send a WhatsApp message (with proof of payment) to “08104898062”, with the name of the contestant you are voting for, and the number of votes you bought. (Voting costs, 50 Naira per vote, and starts from 20 votes upwards)

• Remember, some contestants might be leaving the competition next week, so if you want any of them to stay in the competition, then get voting.

Note that votes, less than the minimum 20 votes, will not be acknowledged

@FashMode_NG @LaModeMag


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To vote, kindly look for the contestant you would love to remain in the competition, and click on the blue vote button.

• Voting costs 50 Naira per vote and starts from 20 votes upwards. You can vote as much as you want.

• To vote offline, kindly pay the amount for the number of votes you would like to purchase for the contestant(s) to "La Mode, 0172552915, GTB, then send a WhatsApp message (with proof of payment) to "08104898062", with the name of the contestant you are voting for, and the number of votes you paid for. (Voting costs, 50 Naira per vote, and starts from 20 votes upwards)

• Remember, contestants with the least votes at the end of the week will definitely leave the competition next week, so if you want any of them to stay in the competition, then get voting.

Note that votes, less than the minimum 20 votes, will not be acknowledged and funds used for voting are non-refundable.

@FashMode_NG @LaModeMag


Contest winners

Winners not yet picked!

Abiodun Adebisi Eniola
Abiodun Adebisi Eniola
Ajoma Precious
Ajoma Precious
Hannah Nwonye
Hannah Nwonye
Otu Ashuane Magdalene
Otu Ashuane Magdalene
Umoren Maryjane
Umoren Maryjane
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