‘’Green October Event ’’ is a La Mode Magazine initiative founded by Sandra Odige. It is an annual project to create awareness, appreciate and support persons living with disabilities. The initiative is an advocacy awareness platform where persons with disability are given a voice. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons living with Disabilities emphasizes the right to life, equality and non-discrimination of persons living with disabilities. The theme for the 2018 edition is ‘’Beyond Disabilities ’’ the aim of the edition is to inform individuals and communities that if you are disabled you are just like everyone else… just living life in a different way. Living a world where all people embrace each other’s’ differences. 

One of the major goals of ‘’Green October Event Project’’ aside the annual event is to establish a multipurpose disability Job recruitment unit, Awareness, advocacy and information center. Giving people living with disabilities job opportunities, all the information, support, training and education they deserve.


Email: Greenoctoberevent@gmail.com

Instagram @greenoctoberevent



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