Sandra Odige

The CEO and publisher of La Mode Magazine, Mrs Sandra Odige have been listed amongst the Top 50 Most Influential Women in Nigeria for 2021 by Mummy And I Magazine.

The Magazine wrote:

We celebrate Amazon woman, Sandra Odige @sandraodige for raising the bar and setting the pace for Nigerian Women. We are filled with inexplicable joy to be able to show the world the uniqueness, strength and multifacetedness of what it truly means to be a Nigerian woman in our contemporary society. Nigerian women all over the globe, in politics, business, social enterprise public policy, the corporate space, the creative sector are present and redefining what leadership, doggedness, determination and excellence mean. This list of 50 Most Influential Nigerian Women acts as a catalyst to motivate the posterity of female changemakers, innovators, and disruptors. This year, we are asking how we can actively challenge stereotypes, fight bias, broaden perceptions, celebrate and recognize the contributions as well as the impact of Nigerian women.


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