There has never been any doubt that fashion is synonymous to Nigerian women.
Nigerian women are always been known for their great fashion sense regardless of the generation.
While the fashion from this age is unique, we can’t doubt that some fashion inspiration can be traced down to the generations before us.From choices of hair, dresses to shoes, it’s just something Nigerian women bring their A-games to.
The average South-Western Nigerian woman from the 1960s prefers her threaded hair, flory gowns and cover shoes… Well, when she’s not in her beautifully crafted Buba and Asooké.

A Beautiful picture featuring the style of a stunning South-Western Nigerian woman in the 1960s.
Credit: Picture from the J.D. ‘Okhai Ojeikere archive.
The woman is rocking threads, with her flat heels cover shoes and floral gown.

J.D. ‘Okhai Ojeikere was a Nigerian photographer known for his work with unique vintage hairstyles, fashion attires found in Nigeria.#Retro60sFashion
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