La Mode Magazine 75th Edition


La Mode Magazine 75th Edition, April Issue featuring young Nigerian Stylish Men who are smart and fashionable @swankyjerry @ebuka @maiatafo @denolagrey @princenelsonenwerem @ikogbonna @stannze @sirleobdasilva

Men’s fashion is no doubt trending around the world. Men are becoming more and more stylish and trendy. Gone are the days you see men putting on boring clothes.

In recent times, men have seen the need to be detailed and stylish in terms of their choice of clothing. Nigerian men are obviously not left out.

La Mode Magazine has put together eight vibrant young and smart Nigerians who are stylish in the right sense of fashion and style.
They include Swanky Jerry, Denola Grey, Ebuka Obi, Prince, Leo Dasilva, Stan Nze, Ik Ogbonna and Mai Atafo.
This edition is available in digital copy and print

La Mode Magazine 75th Edition, April Issue featuring young Nigerian Stylish Men who are smart and fashionable @swankyjerry @ebuka @maiatafo @denolagrey @princenelsonenwerem @ikogbonna @stannze @sirleobdasilva

Men’s fashion is no doubt trending around the world. Men are becoming more and more stylish and trendy. Gone are the days you see men putting on boring clothes.

In recent times, men have seen the need to be detailed and stylish in terms of their choice of clothing. Nigerian men are obviously not left out.

La Mode Magazine has put together eight vibrant young and smart Nigerians who are stylish in the right sense of fashion and style.
They include Swanky Jerry, Denola Grey, Ebuka Obi, Prince, Leo Dasilva, Stan Nze, Ik Ogbonna and Mai Atafo.
This edition is available in digital copy and print

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