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Makeup Artist Jennifer Alegieuno Talks About Her Career!!



La Mode: What is your full?

Jennifer Joe-Alegieuno

La Mode: Tell us about your educational background

Jennifer: My educational background? Lol. I went to school nau… Lol. Ok I studied makeup artistry at Face To Face Beauty and Design School for Film and Television, Johannesburg South Africa. Before that, I was studying banking and finance at Benson Idahosa University, Benin City Nigeria. My secondary school education started at Regina Pacis Girls Secondary School and ended in Govt Girls Secondary School Dutse …do I have to talk primary too? Lol. Ok, that started at Pampers Private Nursery and Primary School Lagos Nigeria, and ended in Central Bank of Nigeria Primary School, Lagos Nigeria.

La Mode: Did you go to a make-up school?

Jennifer: Yes I did

La Mode: Tell us about your brand name and how it all started? 

Jennifer: My brand name… My company is known as Beauty-Full Signatures while I am referred to as JBEAUTYFULL (of course in reference to my company). Beauty-FULL SIGNATURES started unofficially in 2006 after I had left Benin for Lagos to chase my dreams but it was registered in 2008. I have always had a flare for everything fashion. From the looks to the attires to the accessories and even the event organising itself. I’m very good with my hands actually and back in the university I would dress people up for chapel service et al.
When I got back to Lagos, the question was “which talent am I going to face now”?
After analysing it all, I came to a conclusion that it was going to be MAKEUP, but then, I wasn’t cut out for the regular which was making up brides every Saturday. I had watched several Nollywood movies and the makeup was “unbelievable” (literally), and I said I wanted to change the game and carve a niche for myself. I also wanted to prove a point to my mother who said “I couldn’t make it as a makeup artist”… That was my drive and my motivation and I had FAITH so strong to move mountains. So… I wrote down a couple of names I wanted for my company, 2yrs after I had been working and I wanted to register the company, the names I sent in came back and the only one available was BEAUTY-FULL SIGNATURES, spelt like that. I approved it and went home to an old journal and found a sheet of paper where I had written that name just like that. Lol. Miraculous God!!! Anyway, I worked for a bit on music videos, made little money, searched for schools and off I was gone, to acquire knowledge. I could have stayed back in SA after school, but that wasn’t the goal, I had to impact, and so I came back and started working again… And that was the birth of my company.

La Mode: How did your career begin in the world of beauty?

Jennifer: Firstly, my brother has been in entertainment, so through him I met a couple of friends and got introduced to the entertainment industry at large… My career as a makeup artist is actually intertwined with entertainment because I render services mainly in FILM and TV.

La Mode: As a highly demanded celebrity makeup artist, are there any celebrities whom you would still like to work with that you haven’t as of yet?

Jennifer: I dislike being referred to as “celebrity” makeup artist because people tend to think and restrict it to making celebrities up. I am a PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP ARTIST for film and television and I am open to work with any and every celebrated (or unknown) act in the World. It will be an honour and a privilege to work with even those I have worked with before because on every set you make new friends and family. So, no particular name in mind but I hope to stay in business.

La Mode: How would you describe your signature look and what is it about your style that sets you apart from other makeup artists?

Jennifer: like I said, I’m not a “celebrity” makeup artiste. I don’t have a signature look in regards to my work because I’m a professional and I work by the world set standards of makeup. So if you see my “day look” it’s going to be the same with any other professional out there in the world. Now if u are talking about my “personal” signature look, I will say, I’m very boyish in nature so I really prefer less as more, properly defined eyebrows(not Nike ticks), eye liners full top(black) and full bottom (coloured), a little blush and nude lips.

La Mode: What is the most memorable moment you have had while doing a celebrity’s makeup? 

Jennifer: Hmmmm, every working experience I’ve had has been a memorable one, every single moment of it.

La Mode: What is the most important beauty advice that you can give to women?

Jennifer: Wash your face regularly and let it breathe more often.

La Mode: What are some common beauty mistakes that women make?

Jennifer: I can’t start pin-pointing mistakes now because I’m a very critical person BUT I’ll like to state that, it is a whole different world between BEAUTY and MAKEUP. I’m a makeup artist not a beauty therapist. So when you say beauty mistakes I’m hoping u mean “makeup”. Examples of those mistakes will be “defining the brows with black pencil” or “this new craze for contouring and highlighting. There are different facial structures and to each, it is own corrective makeup. You can’t use d same formula for all structures. Lol.

La Mode: Do you feel that looking and feeling beautiful is important in regard to a woman’s confidence and self-esteem?

Jennifer: it’s important to most people but I personally don’t feel that way. It’s your confidence as a woman and self esteem that actually radiates the beauty in you not vice versa. I can tell you for a fact that most of the time, I step out without makeup and I just wear a jalabiya and because I am confident in myself, I nail the look. #myOpinion

La Mode: Tell us about your awards.

Jennifer: The AFRICAN MOVIE ACADEMY AWARDS awarded me for best achievement in makeup in AFRICA for the movie THE MEETING where I aged RITA DOMINIC and FEMI JACOBS. Also, the NOLLYWOOD MOVIE AWARDS from the UK, awarded me BEST MAKEUP ARTIST for the same movie. I am particularly happy as that was my first movie job in Nigeria, my first Nomination and my first win (AMAA2013), also because I was up against makeup artists from all over Africa. I felt very happy.


La Mode: Do you feel that you have achieved all of your goals as a successful makeup artist?

Jennifer: TO be frank with you, I have achieved MOST of my goals as a makeup artist. Everything I’m doing now is only to earn a living but I’ve achieved the major reason why I went into makeup in the first place.

La Mode: Who are some people that have inspired you throughout your career?


La Mode: Do you see yourself someday creating your own line of makeup? 

Jennifer: NO!!! I didn’t study cosmetic science and I’m not ready to go into that for now, I do not see myself doing that. If the pressure is high and demand for that is high and I have the cash, I “may” do it but for now and the nearest future, I don’t think I’ll dabble into that. It’s a whole different ball game and MUST be done well.

La Mode: What are some of your favorite products in your makeup kit?

Jennifer: My MAC (pink plaid) lipstick and my eye pencils.


La Mode: What’s your favorite concealer of all time?

Jennifer: Wow, that’s a tough one. I use products based on the environment. So I guess I can say MAC concealer and BLACKUP concealers are deserving of a mention.

La Mode: What products do you think should be a staple in every woman’s purse?

Jennifer: Your powder for touch up.


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