The sith edition of La Mode Magazine’s Annual Green October Event was themed Disability Inclusion in The Post COVID-19 Era and the event which took place on the 1st of October 2020 certainly lived up to its theme as it saw people living with disabilities steal the show at the event.

The event kicked off with Mercy and amputee, giving a stunning and soothing rendition of the Nigerian national anthem, and later went on to feature more individuals living with disabilities show their modelling skills and they fabulously showcased the latest collection of the ever-creative ROSY O’MELLE brand, a collection titled “UNGUBANI” which translates to “Who Are You”, a collection that was created to foster inclusion in the society.

Check out pictures of people living with disabilities at the Green October Event 2020 below:

Mercy Singing the Nigerian National Anthem:

Outstanding Modelling Runway Performance For ROSY O’MELL Brand:


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