La Mode Awards Categories List: Green October Event 2020

La Mode Magazine has released the award categories for this year’s La Mode Awards at the Green October Event 2020 and below you can find the La Mode Awards 2020 categories:

  1. Accessories Brand of the year
  2. Beauty Brand of the year
  3. Bridal Fashion Designer Brand of the year
  4. Bridal accessories designer Brand of the year
  5. Beauty Entrepreneur of the year
  6. Brand Influencer of the year
  7. Creative emerging fashion designer Brand of the year
  8. Creative Fashion Designer Brand of the year
  9. Celebrity Entrepreneur of the year
  10. Emerging Fashion Designer Brand of the year
  11. Entrepreneur of the year
  12. Fashion Entrepreneur of the year
  13. Fashion Designer Brand of the year
  14. Fashion Stylist Brand of the year
  15. Fashion Retail store of the year
  16. Fashion Academy of the year
  17. Fashion Brand of the year
  18. Fashion Icon of the year
  19. Fashionable celebrity of the year
  20. Hair brand of the year
  21. Hair Stylist Brand of the year
  22. Humanitarian of the year
  23. Humanitarian Foundation of the year
  24. Humanitarian Celebrity of the year
  25. Kids Fashion Designer Brand of the year
  26. Kids Brand of the year
  27. Luxury Hair Brand of the year
  28. Makeup Artist Brand of the year
  29. Outstanding Beauty Entrepreneur of the year
  30. Outstanding Entrepreneur of the year
  31. Outstanding Fashion Designer Brand of the year
  32. Ready To Wear Brand of the year
  33. Social Media Brand Influencer of The Year
  34. Skincare Brand of The Year
  35. Women’s wear designer Brand of the year

La Mode Award categories Nominations start on the 24th of July 2020 and end on the 1st of August 2020.

To nominate any of your favourite brands, celebrity or entrepreneur visit @lamodemag on Instagram and leave your nominations on the comment section of the award nomination post.

La Mode Award Nomination


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