Adetutu Adekunle from a background of degrees in Biochemistry and Environmental management from University of Ibadan, Nigeria & University of Surrey, U.K respectively, overtime found herself gravitating towards culinary business, she heeded the nudge, and attended the London School of Hospitality and Events, after which she knew she wanted to join the already crowded sector (bold move) with an innovative niche in barbeque and grilled treats and creating gourmet of the regular Nigerian foods. She believes that gourmet meals can and should be experienced and enjoyed by every human strata.

Bibi’s GrillHouse is an offshoot of Bibi’s Cottage Catering, located on the 2nd Floor, Maryland Mall, Maryland, Lagos, Nigeria.

Bibi’s GrillHouse, tastemakers in barbecue and grilled treats ranging from Char-grilled Turkey/ Chicken wings/laps to Grilled/ Gourmet fish served with a variety of chips, fried rice, our #BoliSpecial and Jollof specially prepared by the best culinary hands. We also have platter treats, most ordered is our sea food platter with roasted yam slices, or the chilli dog ( hotdogs) for children and local asun or spicy snails for the touch of “Nigerianess.”


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