Darius Jackson, 29, has filed for a domestic violence restraining order against actress Keke Palmer, seeking protection from his former partner. Court documents obtained by PEOPLE reveal Jackson’s plea, urging Palmer to refrain from contact and maintain a distance of 100 yards from him, his residence, and his vehicle. The hearing is set for Jan. 9, aligning with Palmer’s existing domestic violence restraining order request.

The tumultuous narrative began in early November when Palmer secured a temporary restraining order against Jackson, citing trespassing, threats, and physical assault. She was granted temporary sole custody of their 9-month-old son, Leo. Jackson responded, asserting Palmer’s role as the “primary aggressor” and detailing instances of alleged abuse, both physical and verbal.

Keke Palmer and Darius Jackson on May 10, 2023 in Los Angeles, California.

Among Jackson’s claims are instances of Palmer punching, choking, and hitting him, along with allegations of harassment through calls and emails. The filing also states that Palmer’s behavior became increasingly aggressive after consuming alcohol. Jackson, dating Palmer since 2021, seeks joint legal and physical custody of their child, emphasizing Palmer’s alleged obstruction of access.

The legal saga, initially scheduled for Dec. 5, was postponed for mediation, with both parties agreeing to extend the temporary restraining order until the rescheduled hearing. A source close to Palmer cited concerns about privacy amidst media attention, explaining her decision to engage in mediation.

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