Jamie Foxx, the acclaimed actor, has vehemently denied accusations of sexual assault in a recently filed lawsuit dating back to 2015. In a statement, Foxx’s spokesperson declared, “The alleged incident never happened,” and highlighted that a similar lawsuit filed in 2020 was swiftly dismissed.

According to court documents, the accuser, identified as Jane Doe, claims the incident occurred at Catch NYC in August 2015. Doe alleges that after taking pictures with Foxx, he made inappropriate comments, leading to non-consensual touching. The lawsuit was filed on the last day permitted under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, allowing a one-year look-back period for sexual assault victims to file cases.

Foxx’s spokesperson expressed confidence that the claims would be dismissed again, emphasizing their intention to pursue a claim for malicious prosecution against the accuser and her legal team. The lawsuit raises significant legal and ethical questions, once again underscoring the complexities surrounding allegations of sexual misconduct in the public eye.

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