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PUT A SMILE ON YOUR FACE – Faith Ademola-Law

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A smile is a visible expression of joy, happiness, excitement, or contentment.

Imagine if you came back from work confidently strolling to the fridge to get your dinner out, only to realize it has been eaten by your friend. You definitely won’t be smiling after that, so the best way to brighten your mood is to smile (though this might be difficult).

Our facial expressions often communicate our moods and also have the ability to influence the mood of the people around us. Smiling helps to reduce stress and also makes you more approachable. It gives you an aura of honesty and trust.

A smile is instrumental in creating social bonds because when you smile you send an amiable signal which results in friendship and cordial relationships. So keep in mind that when you smile, you influence the mood of those around you positively.

– Faith Ademola-Law

May 21, 2018

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