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Apple Cider Vinegar: Side Effects you don’t Easily Detect.

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Apple Cider Vinegar (APV) is well known for its various health benefits, but there’s a limit to everything you ingest. As an ingredient, APV is used for food dressings, flavoring and as a preservative. It is also a popular DIY home remedy for a number of health issues.

Now, let’s talk about the side effects of apple cider vinegar that are not easily detected. Very few studies have discussed the adverse side effects of regularly consuming APV.

Here’s a list of possible side effects of Apple Cider Vinegar:

Tooth Decay

Like all vinegars, apple cider vinegar is acidic. Consuming too many acidic foods and beverages can weaken tooth enamel over time, potentially leading to tooth decay.

At first, people may not realize that their tooth enamel is damaged. As the damage worsens, the teeth may start to ache or become sensitive to sweet foods and hot or cold temperatures, according to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. Eventually, the teeth may develop cavities that require fillings.The risk of tooth decay is highest

Blood Sugar Regulation

Some research suggests that consuming vinegar can affect how the body regulates blood sugar levels. However, scientists do not fully understand this effect and more research is needed.

Anyone with diabetes should speak to a medical professional before trying a high-vinegar diet.

Low Potassium

According to Dr. Robert H. Shmerling, an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medicine School in Boston, MA, there have been reports of apple cider vinegar causing or worsening low potassium levels. The medical name for low potassium is hypokalemia. A person with mild hypokalemia may not have any symptoms. However, moderate or severe hypokalemia can cause muscle weakness and paralysis, which can affect many parts of the body.

If a person experiences muscle problems, especially issues relating to the heart or breathing, they should seek medical attention immediately.

Gastrointestinal Issues

Many people recommend vinegar as a natural weight loss aid. Research suggests that it helps slows the rate at which food leaves the stomach, which can suppress the appetite by making a person feel fuller for longer.

However, keeping food in the stomach can cause unwanted side effects. In a study that investigated the potential for vinegar to control the appetite, many participants reported feelings of nausea and indigestion after drinking vinegar with breakfast.

Because of the acidity, drinking undiluted apple cider vinegar can also worsen symptoms in people with digestive problems, such as stomach ulcers or acid reflux.

Skin Burns

The acidity of vinegar means that applying it directly to the skin can cause burns and irritation, especially if the vinegar is undiluted.

The National Capital Poison Center lists a number of medical reports in which people experienced serious burns that required medical treatment after using vinegars, including apple cider vinegar on the skin.

A report in The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology describes a case in which a teenager sustained chemical burns on her nose after applying apple cider vinegar to remove two moles.

People with medical issues should consider talking to their doctors before consuming Apple cider Vinegar.

September 3, 2019

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