When I was 20, I gave my first million to my dad.
Osinachi Akanegbu

When I was 20, I gave my first million to my dad.
Now, this money was not given willingly. You see, I wanted to buy a wig of N400k, a frontal wig that would have solved all my problems or so, I believed.
Since my dad allowed us to make financial decisions on our own, I did not bother telling him.
I have concluded with the hair vendor and all that remained was me transferring the funds. Somehow, word got to my dad that his third daughter was about to buy a wig of N400k.
Early morning around 5am the next day, my dad woke me up. Osinachi, what is this I am hearing?
E shorö è sù wig 400k? (You want to buy wig of N400k)
Is this how I trained you? My daughter, you don’t eat your seeds, you eat the fruits. Eating seeds leaves you stranded and at the mercy of others.
Long story cut short, my dad used my one million in getting a physical shop for me (Though he added another one million to my already existing one million, the shop is in my name
Also, he got me a N150k wig instead. This came with much pleading and begging because imagine asking a Nigerian dad for wig money
What is the point of this story?
Last week, my dad gave me my first rent money from the shop. It was N25,000 but N25,000 never felt so meaningful to me than that moment.
Like this is the fruit of my seed.
So I am going to buy food and take my dad out on my first fruit apart from paying tithe.
I want to specially thank him for not allowing me to make that financial mistake then.
And as I count down to my birthday, I am increasingly grateful for the type of upbringing I was given.
Truly, parents are priceless.
Now tell me, what financial mistake(s) did your parents stop you from making?
This is a picture of me on the wig .
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