La Mode AfriWoman Forum and Dinner

Sefunmi: Navigating the Fashion Industry with Creative Flair and Business Expertise

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Over the years, Sefunmi has ventured into various businesses, honing her entrepreneurial skills and uniquely combining her creative flair with business expertise. Her passion for fashion design blossomed in 2009 during her university years, allowing her to express herself creatively and transform ideas into tangible garments. In 2019, she founded Skirts Factory, specializing exclusively in skirts, emphasizing exceptional quality and design tailored to enhance a woman’s grace and individuality.

Inspired by renowned designers like David Wej, Nike Ogunlesi, ASOS, H&M, and Kimora Lee Simmons, Sefunmi navigates her entrepreneurial journey with insights gained from these mentors, guiding her approach to fashion design, business management, and retail growth. Skirts Factory not only showcases Sefunmi’s talent but also serves as a platform for collaboration and embracing the diversity of fashion.

In facing challenges within the fashion industry, particularly in retail, Sefunmi emphasizes the need for funding, efficient production processes, and reliable fabric sourcing. She acknowledges the emotional challenges, emphasizing resilience, a positive mindset, and belief in one’s talent as essential tools for overcoming obstacles. Despite the challenges, Sefunmi finds immense rewards in creative expression and shaping trends, contributing to the industry’s lasting impact.

Skirts Factory actively contributes to the rise of the African fashion industry by incorporating cultural elements, celebrating local artisans, and promoting African-inspired skirts’ versatility. Through participation in fashion events, international collaborations, and engaging with the global fashion community, they aim to elevate African fashion’s status on the international stage. Sefunmi advises aspiring designers to find their unique voices, network, embrace continuous learning, leverage technology, stay authentic, and demonstrate resilience and persistence in their pursuit of success.

November 11, 2019

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