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Will Wearing A Suit In This Hot Season Be Cool? Just Pair It Will Shorts!

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As much as we love a pantsuit, we don’t love the idea of wearing one in 80-degree weather. A suit’s best virtues—a bit of structure, cozy fabrics, maybe a little slouch—aren’t exactly made for sunshine and humidity, if you’ve been committed to the look during the cold season, a twist in suit wearing style is lurking around.

If a blazer and matching shorts feels a little out-there at first, the combination is unexpectedly practical. It’s a “full look,” but doesn’t sacrifice comfort, and the blazer works as built-in temperature control: Take it off when you start to feel the heat (just wear a camisole or T-shirt underneath!), then throw it on again when you find yourself in overly chilly restaurants or shops.

Add nice pairs of sneakers, to give that business and leisure look.


April 13, 2019

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