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5 Reasons Why People Wear Makeup- Faith Ademola-Law

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Some people are of the opinion that women who wear make up have conditions of low self-esteem or are deceitful. other people think makeup is done just to impress and attract men. Ladies are sometimes mocked, bullied and disrespected when they undergo a makeup transformation because of the contrast between their natural looks and their made up looks.

  • It is important to understand that most women do makeup just because they love it.

Some other reasons are:

  • Makeup is expressive: It sheds light on your mood, your personality and the occasions or events surrounding you. This can be explained by the fact that there are several looks in makeup artistry like the bridal makeup, Owanbe makeup, effect makeup, office makeup and your natural day-to-day makeup.
  • Makeup is fun: It can be said that colours represent fun. When applying makeup,you have fun with the colours, shades, etc
  • Makeup is a beauty enhancer: Since all humans are beautiful, makeup helps to outline, define and highlight the features of women to enhance their natural beauty.
  • Makeup boosts confidence: Makeup can be used to conceal blemishes, spots, scars and other things that might contribute to one’s insecurities.


July 24, 2018

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